Bryan memorial Gallery
This is an opportunity to step back and take a comprehensive view of your fundraising program. And to do so with a consultant who brings you perspective and powerful knowledge of the field.
This audit of your fundraising systems looks at both internal and external effectiveness; systems, techniques, schedules, timelines and materials; involvement of staff and board; your culture of philanthropy; and attitudes of your donors and volunteers.
We start work on the assessment by providing you with a comprehensive list of materials you will assemble and send us for review. Even this part of the process will help! After studying your materials, we meet with you and may also meet with Board or donor representatives if you like. Our audits are collaborative in that we check with you at various steps along the way, review findings and suggestions in person before providing a written report, and make certain our suggestions are realistic for your operation. Depending upon the scope of your existing program, you might expect a fundraising assessment to be 25 to 45 hours of work, over a 3-6 week period. You may choose to follow up with coaching or not; we believe it’s our job to make you more independent, so we will work with you as you feel best.